Thank God I am Jung and not a Jungian. -- Carl Jung
Carl Jung (1865-1961), Swiss psychoanalyst and philosopher, founder of the analytical school of psychology, at one time a close associate of Sigmund Freud and worked with Freud in the early development of psychoanalysis.
Carl Jung was closely associated with Sigmund Freud, and was seen at one time as his heir-apparent, but broke with Freud over his obsession with sex as the root cause of all our psychological problems.
Jung paid great heed to the influence of our subconscious. He related our dreams to external events, fantasies, myths, religion, art.
As a child Jung was often alone and spent a great deal of his time dreaming, which was to exert a great influence on the development of his ideas of the way our mind works.
Jung developed the idea of 'complexes' and that we have certain personality types.
Jung travelled widely and visited diverse cultures in New Mexico, India, and Kenya. This again influenced his ideas on the subconscious and how we relate to external events.
The ideas of Carl Jung were put into practice with the establishment of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Jung's ideas have had a greater impact on modern culture than on psychoanalysis. The influence of Jung can be seen in Star Wars, the Matrix trilogy and Dune. Sting's old band The Police made references to Carl Jung with their album Synchronicity.
One of the most important concepts that Carl Jung was to develop was that of synchronicity.
Synchronicity is that of meaningful coincidences in what otherwise would be seen as seemingly random events. Jung postulated that this could be as the result of a global consciousness. He also developed a detailed model to describe synchronicity.
further reading
Deepak Chopra, How To Know God, Rider, 2000
Carl Jung, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972
Carl Jung, Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal: Key Readings, Routledge, 1977
Carl Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Princeton University Press, 1981
Arthur Koestler, The Roots of Coincidence, Vintage, 1973
Keith Parkins, Synchronicity, August 2005